Brazilian Butt Lift: Buttock augmentation by lipofilling in Bordeaux

Gesture safetyOptimization of injection zonesPossibility of performing high volume injectionsUse of ultrasound monitoring

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What is a brazilian butt lift or buttock lipofilling (SMART BBL)?

Also known as the Brazilian butt lift, the Brazilian Butt Lift or BBL is a cosmetic surgery operation designed to increase the volume of the buttocks, sculpt the entire silhouette as a whole to make it sexy and attractive. This involves injecting fat cells taken from other areas. The buttocks will then be plumper and more curved, like those of young Brazilian women who display beautiful silhouettes in swimsuits.

The SMART BBL (Safe Modern and Artistic Brazilian Butt Lift) is a technique for injecting fat into the buttocks guided by imagery developed by Dr. Delobaux, cosmetic surgeon in Bordeaux. It makes it possible to carry out a safe gesture thanks to the control of the imagery during the realization of the injections of fat in the buttock.

Dr. Alexis Delobaux was the first cosmetic surgeon in Europe to use ultrasound to perform buttock lipofilling or Brazilian Butt Lift and as such is a pioneer in this highly specialized field.

The goals of a SMART Brazilian Butt Lift

The aim of the Brazilian Butt Lift is to: Treat flat or lacking buttocks. Treat silhouettes that are straight (H-shaped) and not feminine enough. Treat excess love handles or saddlebags. Harmoniously sculpt the silhouette after weight gain or pregnancy.

Buttock lipofilling and brazilian butt lift, for whom?

Lipofilling of the buttocks is intended for patients between 25-35 years old who want more volume, more shape to have a fuller, sexier silhouette. Patients between 45-55 years old who, following pregnancy or weight loss, have a decrease in volume with ptosis of the buttocks (sagging buttocks) and seek above all to harmonize their bodies and regain the lost volume.

The benefits of a SMART Brazilian Butt Lift?

A buttocks lipofilling improves both the beauty of the body and self-confidence. A person who feels bad about themselves, who finds their body “unflattering” and disharmonious will be transformed by buttock lipofilling. Doctor Alexis Delobaux has enabled many women to regain joy and self-confidence after having recourse to buttock lipofilling. The increase in gluteal volume is without foreign body, therefore without risk of rejection.

What percentage of fat remains after a Brazilian Butt Lift?

Studies on fatty tissue transfer show that on average 25% of transferred cells will not survive, which means that 75% of the volume of fatty tissue transferred remains for life.

Procedure of a Brazilian Butt Lift

Brazilian Butt Lift
The Brazilian Butt Lift takes place under general or local anesthesia. In the latter case, a single fatty area is removed and reinjected. The intervention lasts about 3 hours and the hospitalization lasts one night. LIPOASPIRATION: The first phase consists of slowly and delicately aspirating all the fat areas predefined by liposuction to sculpt the silhouette in order to obtain a refined bust and harmonious and attractive curves. PREPARATION: The second phase consists of preparing the fat cells: those -these are washed with physiological serum, and purified by decantation. Each jar of fat tissue requires about 30 minutes of washing. REINJECTION: The third phase consists of depositing fat cells in the gluteal muscles and transition zones to reveal the shape and desired buttock volume. These fat cells are deposited in drops and at different depths to achieve the best fat cell survival rate.

Before a brazilian butt lift operation

Before a bbl operation, you will be given an estimate, an information sheet and informed consent. An incompressible period of 15 days is required to allow you to calmly reflect on your decision. If this is positive, you will have to take a blood test and imperatively see the anesthetist for the mandatory preoperative visit which must take place in the month preceding the intervention.

Preoperative consultation

Each patient displays the result she wishes to obtain for her bust, her buttocks and sometimes her thighs. The areas of liposuction and injections are determined and Doctor Alexis Delobaux explains the preoperative stages, the intervention and the postoperative course.

Preoperative examinations

A blood test is necessary to check blood cells, hemoglobin level, liver and kidney function, serologies and blood group.

After brazilian butt lift surgery

After a bbl operation, a recovery period of a short week is necessary and sufficient. You can sit on your buttocks, but you should avoid doing it too long the first week. Wearing the lipopanty is compulsory for one month.

The results

The brazilian butt lift is a painless procedure. Scars are almost non-existent. Any traces left on the skin correspond to the diameter of the cannulas used during the removal of fat and its reinjection. The results are long lasting and the appearance remains natural. The final rendering is judged after about 3 months, the time needed to assess the rate of resorbed fat cells. A second intervention is sometimes necessary to perfect the result.

Prix d'un Brazilian Butt Lift

The price of the brazilian butt lift varies from 7000 to 8500 euros including tax depending on the importance of the intervention. This includes the fees of the surgeon, the anesthetist as well as the clinic fees and all post-operative visits for one year.

Brazilian Butt Lift


Dr. Alexis Delobaux

Cosmetic Surgeon in Bordeaux

In contact with the greatest international experts in Silhouette Surgery, Dr. DELOBAUX has developed his techniques for sculpting natural curves and redefining the contours of the body. Sensitized to the art of sculpture from his childhood, his artistic qualities have enriched his surgical techniques and developed a keen sense of ideal shapes and proportions, adapted to each anatomy.
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Frequently asked Questions

  • What differentiates the SMART BBL from a classic buttock lipofilling?

    The SMART BBL is a unique technique for injecting fat into the buttocks under ultrasound control. In this way, the surgeon has a direct and real-time view of the areas in which he is injecting. This avoids high-risk areas and fills key areas of the buttock more precisely.

  • What material is used to make the SMART BBL?

    We use a latest generation high frequency superficial wireless HD ultrasound probe as well as the Vibrosat PRO to inject the fat. The ultrasound probe allows us to precisely visualize the position of the injection cannula of the Vibrosat PRO throughout the duration of the intervention.

  • What are the advantages of performing the SMART BBL rather than a classic buttock lipofilling?

    The advantages are many:

  • Am I a good candidate for the SMART BBL?

    The prerequisites for carrying out this intervention in the best conditions:

  • What is the interest of lipofilling in the augmentation of the buttocks?

    Lipostructure was first used in breast reconstruction, then called lipostructure or lipofilling or lipomodeling. With this experience and this efficiency acquired in breast reconstruction, lipofilling has entered the arsenal of

  • What are the advantages of a buttock augmentation by lipofilling?

      Augmentation of the buttocks without foreign body (buttocks prosthesis) No scar Possibility of raising the buttocks Restores shape to flat or flabby buttocks Benefit of liposuction on the silhouette
  • Buttock lipofilling, for which patients?

    All women wishing to restore curves and a harmonious shape to their buttocks, after weight variations or pregnancy.

  • Can we lift the buttocks with a buttock lipofilling?

    Yes, it is possible to lift the buttocks by carrying out a lipofilling with a strong increase in volume, this will give them a natural and curved appearance and will help lift them.

  • Is the result of a buttock lipofilling permanent?

    Yes, after the 3rd month all remaining fat is considered final.

  • How long does recovery take after buttock lipofilling?

      Minimally painful intervention, simple aftermath Released the same evening or the day after the intervention Oedemas and bruises appear on the buttocks and the sampling areas in the days following the intervention Showers authorized a few days after the intervention Wearing compression garments for 4 weeks day and night Avoid sitting on the buttocks for at least 2 weeks Stop professional activities for at least 10 to 15 days and resume physical activities after 4 to 6 weeks Early and regular lymphatic drainage after the procedure
  • Is brazilian butt lift surgery covered?

    The operation is never covered by social security.

  • What are the possible complications of a Brazilian Butt Lift?

    Brazilian lipofilling is an intervention with very few complications:

Before and after photos of a brazilian butt lift

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Bordeaux HD Liposuction | Dr. Alexis Delobaux
88 Avenue des frères Robinson 33700 Mérignac
06 73 43 43 47

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