Lipofilling of the Buttocks in Bordeaux


1h00 to 2h00


General or spinal anesthesia


Outpatient or 1 night clinic


3 days to 1 week off

What does buttock lipofilling consist of?

buttock lipofilling bordeaux
Buttock lipofilling is a cosmetic surgery procedure that consists of increasing the volume of the buttocks by injecting one's own fat. This lipofilling operation is completely natural and does not involve any foreign body.

Why resort to lipomodeling of the buttocks?

An undeniable aspect of feminine beauty is the buttocks. They impose themselves as an essential part of the feminine language, of seduction, attraction and harmony of the silhouette. This part of the female body is also particularly trendy: the (very) plump buttocks have also made the celebrity of several women of the modern world. In any case, the buttocks are known by their particular aspect to each woman. They don't look alike at all. They naturally take on a curved, square, rather flat, more or less discreet or imposing shape depending on the silhouette. The shape of the buttocks tends to change with age (effect of skin aging). The greater or lesser variations in weight can also act on the buttocks and distort their appearance. Women concerned about the appearance of their buttocks seek above all harmony with the rest of their body, as is the case with breast augmentation for example.

What are the objectives of buttock lipofilling?

buttock lipofilling in bordeaux
The lipofilling of the buttocks aims to restore volume to the buttocks, by rebalancing them; to reshape the area and then lift it so that it is perfectly in harmony with the silhouette and the personality of the patient. It is an entirely natural method that does not require the addition of prostheses. Lipofilling or lipomodeling of the buttocks (also called Brazilian Lifting) is an avant-garde technique that attracts more and more women to restore volume to their buttocks. This 100% biocompatible method does not show any scars because it essentially uses the fat of the patient herself. Also performed on the face and other parts of the body, lipofilling involves transferring fat cells from one area of the body to another. In terms of buttock lipomodeling, the surgeon removes fat cells from one or more areas where they are excess, typically the abdomen, knees or thighs, to reinject them into the buttocks. In this, a lipofilling of the buttocks allows at the same time to perform liposuction (or liposuction).

What are the benefits of buttock lipofilling?

A buttocks lipofilling not only improves the beauty of the body but also restores self-confidence. A person who is uncomfortable in their skin, who finds their body “unflattering” and disharmonious will be correctly transformed by buttock lipofilling. Doctor Delobaux, a surgeon specializing in buttock lipofilling, has enabled many women to regain joy and self-confidence after having recourse to buttock lipofilling. Buttock augmentation is an operation that does not require a foreign body, so there is no risk of rejection.

Are you a good candidate for buttock lipofilling?

Buttock lipofilling is for women who want to: Increase the volume of their buttocks, Modify the shape of their buttocks (rounder, plumper, etc.) Lift the buttocks area But before considering such an operation, it is must have sufficient areas of fat accumulation (or reserves) in other parts of the body such as: the stomach, hips, thighs, saddlebags, knees, etc.). However, this operation is contraindicated for thin women because the fat cells are taken from the patient's own body.

Buttocks lipomodeling: pre-operative consultation

Two consultations are necessary. During these meetings, you will discuss your wishes and expectations with Dr. Delobaux. He will also carry out a precise clinical examination which will allow him first to advise you, then to determine the quantity of fat necessary and the place where it can be taken. This will allow you to precisely define your project. Your figure will be examined and analyzed to best adapt the surgical technique to your morphology and your expectations. Photos will be taken and you will be offered a simulation of the results towards which the team will move to allow you to project yourself. Doctor Delobaux will also assess the quality of the skin, the healing, the importance of exposure to the sun because of their possible impact on the intervention and its consequences. You will agree together on the areas to be treated and the quantity of fatty tissue to be injected and lipoaspirated.

Procedure of a buttock lipofilling

butt lipofilling bordeaux
On the day of the operation, the surgeon makes precise drawings that will guide him throughout the surgery, at the level of the buttocks and the areas to be liposuctioned. You will thus have the opportunity to question the surgeon on how the intervention will take place. The medical (anesthesiologist) and paramedical team then take care of you and accompany you to the operating room. You will be put under general anesthesia and the operation lasts 1h30 to 2h. After this step, small incisions of a few millimeters are anesthetized to start the infiltration of a saline solution with adrenaline to reduce bleeding and increase your comfort on waking. The surgeon then installs the ultrasound probe under the skin in the deep and superficial fat to liquefy it and make it easy to remove it and put your skin back in tension. The fat is then aspirated using a conventional cannula and in a gentle and non-traumatic way since it was first liquefied. This procedure allows a significant reduction in edema, bruising and bleeding compared to conventional liposuction. The fat is then made pure and separated from the blood and unnecessary liquids and the surgeon performs an injection of the fat in the buttocks to give them a harmonious volume. On your return home, total and effortless rest will be observed and a 2-week work stoppage is recommended. Sports activities can resume after 1 month. Tobacco use and sun exposure should be avoided. You will go to your surgeon for check-ups several times. A compression garment will be worn for 4 to 6 weeks after the procedure. It is possible that the pain will persist for a few days but you will have all the prescriptions necessary for your comfort. The final result is noticed between the third and sixth month. Weight gain will influence the result, so it is important to take care of your lifestyle to avoid significant weight variations.

Buttock lift by lipofilling: The consequences

The awakening will take place in the recovery room with the compression panties in place.

Analgesic treatments can relieve the first postoperative pain: You must ask for them as soon as the painful symptoms appear.

It is possible to shower without worry the next day.

The incisions of a few millimeters go in the shower and require a bandage every morning for 10 days to avoid chafing in the panty.

Compression stockings should be worn for at least 2 weeks.

The use of anticoagulants is necessary for at least 2 weeks.

The discharge from the hospital takes place the next morning.

During the first days, rest at home is advised without strictly staying in bed.

Professional activities can be resumed after 7 to 10 postoperative days.

The sport should be gradually resumed after 2 to 3 weeks.

The result of buttock lipofilling

The lipofilling of the buttocks gives immediately visible results, but are only final after three to six months. The buttocks are rounded, better defined and firmer. About 30% of buttock volume is lost in the weeks following the operation. This is completely normal. This is why a second intervention six months apart is frequent. Once the fat graft settles perfectly, it becomes permanent. Fat cells are living tissue. In the event of weight gain or loss, it is normal for the buttocks to also increase or decrease in volume.

Buttock lipofilling (Brazilian Butt Lift): price

The price of buttock lipofilling is set at €6,500.

Apart from the price of the intervention, there are also the consultations with Doctor Alexis Delobaux, and the anesthetist, the postoperative compression garment, and the postoperative treatments (several tens of euros).

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Frequently asked Questions

  • What is the interest of lipofilling in the augmentation of the buttocks?

    Lipostructure was first used in breast reconstruction, then called lipostructure or lipofilling or lipomodeling. With this experience and this efficiency acquired in breast reconstruction, lipofilling has entered the arsenal of

  • What are the advantages of a buttock augmentation by lipofilling?

      Augmentation of the buttocks without foreign body (buttocks prosthesis) No scar Possibility of raising the buttocks Restores shape to flat or flabby buttocks Benefit of liposuction on the silhouette
  • Buttock lipofilling, for which patients?

    All women wishing to restore curves and a harmonious shape to their buttocks, after weight variations or pregnancy.

  • Can we lift the buttocks with a buttock lipofilling?

    Yes, it is possible to lift the buttocks by carrying out a lipofilling with a strong increase in volume, this will give them a natural and curved appearance and will help lift them.

  • Is the result of a buttock lipofilling permanent?

    Yes, after the 3rd month all remaining fat is considered final.

  • How long does recovery take after buttock lipofilling?

      Minimally painful intervention, simple aftermath Released the same evening or the day after the intervention Oedemas and bruises appear on the buttocks and the sampling areas in the days following the intervention Showers authorized a few days after the intervention Wearing compression garments for 4 weeks day and night Avoid sitting on the buttocks for at least 2 weeks Stop professional activities for at least 10 to 15 days and resume physical activities after 4 to 6 weeks Early and regular lymphatic drainage after the procedure
  • Can I sit down after a BBL?

    It is allowed to sit only during the return trip and during meals for the first week, then after there is no more restriction of position.

  • Can I sleep on my back after buttock lipofilling?

    Avoid lying on your back for the first week after the operation.

  • What are the possible complications of a Brazilian Butt Lift?

    There are very few complications in the buttocks lipofilling procedure.

  • What is the follow-up of a buttock lipofilling?

    The follow-up begins the same evening, the next morning, on the 15th postoperative day, on the 3rd postoperative month and on the 6th month.

  • When do you get the final result after buttock lipofilling?

    The final result of a buttocks lipofilling is obtained between 3 and 6 months.

  • Can we do a buttock lipofilling under local anesthesia?

    The answer is yes. A single area of fatty tissue is sampled at each session.

  • Is it possible to perform several buttock lipofillings in a row?

    Yes, it is possible to do this if there are sufficient reserves of fatty tissue.

  • Can other operations be done at the same time as buttock lipofilling?

    Yes, the combination of buttock lipofilling with other surgeries is possible. It all depends on the weight of each patient and the amount of liposuction to be performed.

  • Can I do buttock lipofilling if I am very thin?

    Doctor Alexis Delobaux assesses during the consultation the amount of fatty tissue that can be transferred to each buttock.

  • What are the other interventions to increase the volume of the buttocks?

    Other interventions to increase the volume of the buttocks are:

  • Is buttock lipofilling painful?

    These are the areas of liposuction that are painful and require the administration of analgesics to relieve the pain.

  • What are the risks of buttock lipofilling?

    The risks are virtually non-existent.

  • When can I resume sport after buttock lipofilling?

    Sport should be gradually resumed and should not concern cardio exercises.

  • What are the technical innovations of buttock lipofilling?

    The liposuction cannulas are perforated in several places, 3 and 4 millimeters in diameter in order to obtain a fine and fluid fat.

Before after

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Bordeaux HD Liposuction | Dr. Alexis Delobaux
88 Avenue des Frères Robinson 33700 Mérignac, France 47

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