Interventions in cosmetic surgery in Bordeaux

Benefits of VASER HD lipo: Why choose us?

High definition liposuction, used by Liposuction HD Bordeaux, is to date the most advanced and complex technique in body contouring surgery.

VASER technology allows, thanks to a secure emission of ultrasound,

to eliminate fatty deposits in depth and on the surface with unparalleled precision and extent.

Cosmetic surgeons with this technology are able to sculpt the silhouette to redefine natural curves and improve the appearance of the belly and any other part of the body.

The athletic curves obtained thanks to this technology have won over a large and growing number of patients.

Beyond the exceptional results of this type of liposuction, the benefits of this technique compared to a classic liposuction technique are numerous.


  • Fragmentation of fat before aspirationLiposculpture of the silhouette facilitatedTreatment of sagging skin


> Contact Dr. Delobaux

femme qui se couvre la poitrine

Belly Liposuction

femme bras croisés

This intervention is made for you if your belly is "slack" or relaxed after weight loss or following your pregnancies. The High Definition Liposuction technique gives results far superior to any classic liposuction with sculpted and defined bellies giving you a slim, redefined and naturally athletic silhouette. The skin of the belly is tightened without incision and covers very closely the relief of your muscles as well as your natural curves, previously refined.

Belly liposuction

Liposuction of Legs, Thighs and Buttocks

The accumulation of fat in the thighs, saddlebags, knees and calves is difficult to resolve by diets or attempts to lose weight. The VASER HD allows easy access to this fat by liquefaction and allows a significant refinement of your low silhouette and a sculpture of all your contours. The fat can be reused for breast or buttock augmentation.

Leg liposuction
silhouette de femme noir et blanc

Breast lipofilling and breast augmentation

femme silhouette qui cache sa poitrine

Your chest is an integral part of your femininity and your body image. The desire to have a proportional, firm and firm breast with harmonious contours is at the center of this surgery. The result will grant the natural and the desirable, we offer you a wide choice of last generation ergonomic breast prostheses or for women wishing to refine their silhouette, lipofilling of the breasts using the fat aspirated from a part of the body, for a result even more natural.

Breast lipofilling

Neck Liposuction and Face Lipofilling

Cosmetic surgery of the face and neck allows spectacular rejuvenation and a visible reduction of the signs of time. A sagging neck, sunken features and a bony face are not permanent, we offer you effective and natural rejuvenation solutions that will restore the shapes and contours of your face. A lastingly rejuvenated appearance with a panel of treatments adapted and personalized for each of our patients.

Face lifting
visage de femme qui se pince le menton

Arm Liposuction

femme heureuse qui leve les bras

VASER High Definition liposuction is particularly effective on the appearance and contour of your arms, particularly in the case of loose skin. This technology makes it possible to give a rejuvenated and aesthetic appearance to your contours by refining, firming and revitalizing them. The muscular structures are revealed by the re-tensioning of your skin which durably improves the appearance of your arms.

arm liposuction

Men Liposuction

Our interventions are adapted to all morphologies and we will choose together the techniques best suited to your anatomy. Whether you are a sporty man wishing to highlight the muscular relief of the arms, chest and abdomen for a "six pack" with an athletic look or simply looking for a slimming of your silhouette and a redefinition of your contours , we have an answer for each of you.

Liposuction man
liposuccion homme esthetique

Liste des services

Advantages of VASER Lipo HD compared to conventional liposuction*:

Classic Liposuction


    Manual removal of fat by scraping and scraping Risk of significant blood loss Undulations and irregularities of the skin due to trauma Frequent and large bruising Large incisions Significant edema Treatment of a limited number of areas


VASER HD Liposuction


    Fragmentation of fat before aspirationLiposculpture of the silhouette facilitatedTreatment of sagging skin


Before after

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Contact Us

Bordeaux HD Liposuction | Dr. Alexis Delobaux
88 Avenue des Frères Robinson 33700 Merignac, France
06 73 43 43 47

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